Digital model of the labor market: key aspects of the software package



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The article is devoted to the description of the Digital Labor Market Model software package related to the analysis of vacancies and resumes presented on digital exchanges of the Russian labor market. The research is a project developed and implemented within the framework of the activities of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization Center for Scientific Research in Career Guidance and Labor Psychology at the present time. The data on the causes of the deformation of the structure of professions represented on domestic digital exchanges are given. The construction of an objective system of labor market indicators is proposed. This allows to provide the most objective assessment of the labor market by available vacancies and resumes in relation to local areas and regions.The authors make the conclusion about the need to introduce more accurate identification of professions in vacancies and resumes, the distribution of professions, the analysis of the structure of the market of applicants, the existing personnel distortions by industry, companies and localities. The presented digital program will allow the introduction of new mechanisms for regulating the labor market in modern Russia.

Sobre autores

Anton Smirnov

Center for Scientific Research in Career Guidance and Labor Psychology



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