Strategy of construction innovatization: economic and legal characteristics of housing quality



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In the world practice of the development of large cities, the concept of Smart City is successfully implemented. It aims at achieving a new quality of life, improving the efficiency of urban development facilities, and applying end-to-end technology in the design and construction of residential real estate. The research purpose was to identify economic and legal factors for assessing the quality of residential premises in the process of construction innovatization in the Russian Federation.The authors substantiate a new methodological approach to the transformation of housing strategies and the paradigm shift of Russia's economic development. A model of the residential real estate market in conditions of sustainable development is presented. Assessment of the economic development of the residential real estate market for the period up to 2030 is given. The world and Russian experience of applying innovation at various stages of the construction cycle is systematized. The development of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of innovation in the investment and construction sector is proposed. Based on the judicial practice of Russia, the definition of luxury and substitute housing has been clarified.The results obtained can be useful to representatives of the public authorities and private business, the expert and scientific community, whose professional interests include the introduction of information technology as a factor in improving the quality of life in large cities, specialists in the investment and construction sector, as well as practicing lawyers.

Sobre autores

Natalya Gorodnova

Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Oksana Zhevnyak

Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin



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