Early postnatal disadaptatation in very preterm infants with gestational position especially some of hemostasis and cerebral blood flow

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We observed 90 children 22-34 weeks’ gestation: 47 children have developed IVH1 in the first days of life (the study group); 43 children are without IVH (the comparison group). During the early postnatal disadaptation syndrome, very preterm infants showed a high frequency of IVH, depending on gestational age at birth. IVH development process mediated in conjunction with gestational features of hemostasis: decrease platelet aggregation, reduced levels of plasma fibronectin. Revealed hyper perfusion in pools of anterior and middle cerebral arteries in combination with low plasmatic FN and reduced platelet aggregation mediates IVH in the subependymal region in the 1st day of life in very preterm infants and participates in the postnatal disadaptation syndrome.

About the authors

S A Tupikova


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