Metabolic base of clinical manifestations in the patients with psoriasis

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The assessment of cellular composition of blood and metabolism in the patients with varying severity psoriasis is carried out. 52 patients are included in the research with average and heavy severity of psoriasis. Laboratory criteria of weight are revealed: the decrease of the contents osteocalcin and level increase parathyroid hormone, increase in quantity of leukocytes, speeds of subsidence of erythrocytes, the increase of concentration of hemoglobin in an erythrocyte. In the patients with psoriasis in the process of the increase of severity of a skin syndrome changes of system character accrue.

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Метаболическая основа клинических проявлений у больных псориазом

About the authors

M S Arnautova

M S Arnautova


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Copyright (c) 2013 Arnautova M.S., Arnautova M.S.

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