Features of colorectal intestine, occurs against a background polychemotherapy in hematological malignancies

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The purpose of our study is to define the role of apoptosis activity, molecules, Ki-67 and TLP in pathogenesis of colorectal pathology in the patients receiving polychemotherapy (PCT). The impairment of the colon mucosa in the hemoblastosis patients undergone PCT is believed to be associated with reduced cell proliferation and the decrease of the expression of Ki-67, increasing apoptosis activity cells of the colon and violation of cellular differentiation of expression molecules TLP.

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Особенности поражения колоректального отдела кишечника, возникающего на фоне полихимиотерапии при гемобластозах

About the authors

T A Gritsenko

T A Gritsenko


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Copyright (c) 2013 Gritsenko T.A., Gritsenko T.A.

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