Efficiency estimation of partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood in the process of gestation treatment in the second trimester of pregnancy

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The level of partial pressure of oxygen in venous blood of 25 women with uncomplicated gestation and 70 patients with pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia, in the process of treatment of this complication of gestation in the second trimester of pregnancy was investigated. In the treatment of preeclampsia in 46 pregnant women from the main group the decline of the partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood was noted, it was accompanied by a decrease in symptoms of this complication and prolongation of gestation, and 24 women from the main group there was an increase in the partial pressure of oxygen in the venous blood, and the severity of preeclampsia grew, followed by early abdominal delivery caused by the lack of proper treatment effect on pregnancy complications.

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Оценка эффективности мониторинга парциального давления кислорода в венозной крови в процессе лечения гестоза во втором триместре беременности

About the authors

L S Panfilova

L S Panphilova


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Copyright (c) 2013 Panfilova L.S., Panphilova L.S.

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