The cost of hospital admissions for the diabetes mellitus type 2 in the Volgograd region for 2006-2011

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The article presents the analysis of the frequency and cost of hospital admissions for the diabetes mellitus type 2 in the Volgograd region for 2006-2011. The calculations of the indicators of the average cost per admission and the number of hospitalized persons with type 2 diabetes for 1000 patients with this pathology are shown.

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Стоимостные показатели госпитализации больных по поводу сахарного диабета 2 типа в Волгоградской области в динамике за 2006-2011 гг

About the authors

E Yu Berdnik

E Yu Berdnik


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Copyright (c) 2013 Berdnik E.Y., Berdnik E.Y.

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