Endothelium dysfunction at an experimental electrotrauma

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Some indicators of endothelium dysfunction at 20 laboratory rats under experiment with electrotrauma were investigated. By means of a simulated device the immobilized animals under anesthetic were run the risk of a dosed nonlethal electrotrauma with current tension of 220 V, current frequency of 50 Hz within 2 seconds. It was stated, that at electrotrauma the number of desquamative endotheliocytes increased, the production of nitric oxide decreased. Thus, the influence of current caused evident violations in endothelium function.

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Функциональное состояние эндотелия при электротравме в эксперименте

About the authors

A V Lyubin

A V Lyubin


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Copyright (c) 2013 Lyubin A.V., Lyubin A.V.

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