Historical and cultural reconstruction of glamour in the context of the Russian society modernization

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The article considers the historical and cultural reconstruction of a glamour phenomenon. The author provides the bases for consideration of this phenomenon not only at the level of conscious life of an individual, but also at the level of the unconscious person. Based on the analysis of the instances of glamour some aspects of a glamorous way of life of the modern citizen both in the West countries, and in the Russian Federation are shown. The relevance of a glamour phenomenon highlighted in this article brings the author to necessity to consider the impact of glamour ideals on the modern Russian society captured by dialectics of modernization.

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Историко-культурная реконструкция гламура в контексте модернизации российского общества

About the authors

O V Gerasimov

O S Stepanova


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Copyright (c) 2013 Gerasimov O.V., Stepanova O.S.

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