The biological state of the cardiovascular system in radiation induced persons of accident at the Chernobol nuclear power station during the follow-up period after an irradiation

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The state of the cardiovascular system in 98 radiation induced persons of accident at the Chernobolskaya nuclear power station (the men with an average age of 42) during the follow-up period after an irradiation was studied. The mathematical model of the determination of the biological age of cardiovascular system was developed by us with the help of the method of the regressive analysis of function indicators of the organs of blood circulation in non-induced irradiation persons (the patients ranging in age from 35 to 60). It is established that in the irradiated persons the marked atherosclerotic changes of vessels (38 %), the increased level of cholesterol in blood plasma (6,1 mmol/l) are revealed more often in comparison with the control group accordingly (7,3 %, 5.0 mmol/l). In persons of the basic group the arterial hypertension (28,6 %), diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle (30,6 %) and ischemic decrease of the segment ST at physical exertion (12,2 %) were more often stated than the results in the control group accordingly they were 17,1 %, 19,5 % and 7,3 %. The determination of the biological age of the radiation induced persons has shown that it was above the level than an expectable biological age on the average for 3,1 years.
The obtained results of the determination of the biological age allow assuming that the influence of small doses of radiation on a human body leads in the follow-up period to untimeliness of cardiovascular system.

About the authors

L P Ivanova



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