Grounds of ways and the treatment period of the complications in post-operative patients with traumas and arctation of hepaticocholedochus

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The results of hepaticoenterostomy operations on a replaceable transhepatic Getts drainage set in 51 patients with traumas and arctation of hepaticocholedochus have been studied. The results of treatment of the patients with traumas and arctations of hepaticocholedochus have shown that the lethality just after the operation is possible in 3,9 %, in the long term 4,1 %. 13,3 % of the patients have complications which are the indication for operations referred to their correction. The patients after Getts operation should be operated for elimination of a hernia and closing functioning of enteral fistulas, and these operations should be carried out after the period of hepaticoenterostomos drainage (2 years) and expositions (not less than 6 months) after drainage removal, excluded the relapse of arctation.

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Обоснование способов и сроков лечения осложнений у больных после операций по поводу травм и структур гепатикохоледоха

About the authors

I Khunkuy


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