The experimental grounds of approaches to qualitative and quantitative analysis of a new complex phytopreparation medicine for maxillofacial surgery and dentistry

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There were carried out the phytochemical, analytical, technological, pharmacological studies on the development of combined phytopreparation on the basis of the medicinal plants, which are caused to show complex action on different pathogenetic components of the infectious- inflammatory process: antimicrobial, anti-inflammotory, regenerating, hemostatic, local immunocorrecting and anesthetizing actions. There were substantiated the approaches to the standardization of new phytopreparation. The methodics of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the basic groups of the biologically active compounds are developed.

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Экспериментальное обоснование методик качественного и количественного анализа нового комплексного лекарственного фитопрепарата для челюстно-лицевой хирургии и стоматологии

About the authors

N R Shagalieva


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Copyright (c) 2011 Shagalieva N.R.

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