Possibilities of the useof applied aspects of the theoryof generations in researchof political socializationof the youth

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Political socialization of youth, which is an important part of the socialization process, has popped up today in a number of pressing problems, as today the social studies of Russia's young people are experiencing a serious crisis.
In a study of political socialization of youth theory of generations is a very promising. It was popular in the western management and used, in particular, to make recommendations on personnel management, taking into account the values that are important for employees of different generations.
Using the applied aspects of the theory of generations in the study of political socialization can be considered the most adequate to interpret the processes of political socialization, structuring the system of values for each generation. And, of course, it can identify the most effective forms, methods and channels of political socialization of the young generation.
The results obtained in the framework of the theory of generations, which is an effective tool for the study of political socialization, may underlie the development of effective forms and methods of political socialization.

About the authors

A A Malkevich

Email: amalkevich@mail.ru


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