The efficiencyof antihomotoxicpharmacotherapy in keloidcicatrix traumeloma

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There was made f prospective, comparative, controllable research of use of anti-homotoxic remedies for their treatment. 51 patients were examined, 26 patients from screening group (generally accepted treatment) and 25 patients from researched group, whom additionally to generally accepted treatment (Kenalog 40 into cicatrice 2-3 injections, once a month) was prescribed Traumeel S in injections.
The peculiarity of this research is the calculation of effect's score from interference.
The clinical case of cicatrix eminence above healthy skin and it's density, erythemas, subjective feelings (pain, hyperesthesia, itch), dissatisfaction of patients were recognized as ill effects. Besides, there was made a quantitative assessment of effect, which has an influence on hypertrophy's dynamics and erythemas after 6 and 12 month of keloid cicatrixes treatment, from additional prescription of Traumeel S.

About the authors

Z A Greshnova



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Copyright (c) 1970 Greshnova Z.A.

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