Termination of theproceeding incase of reconciliation:the modern stateof the institution

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This article studies the problems concerning an application in pre-trial procedure of
public and partially public prosecution criminal cases dismissal institute on the ground,
provided by sect.25 of russian federation criminal procedure code. The article gives an allrussian
statistical data about a number of criminal cases dismissed by investigators due to a
reconciliation of parties, the results of authors generalization of studied public and partially
public prosecution criminal cases of regional jurisdiction. On this basis the author is trying
to determine the reasons which cause the pre-trial investigation bodies to abstain from
dismissal of criminal cases for small and medium gravity crimes through the reconciliation
of parties. The revealed deficiencies in application of criminal cases dismissal procedure on
this not rehabilitating basis, permitted by investigators and prosecutors, are also pointed
out in the article.

About the authors

U V Kuvaldina

Email: iylia79@mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 1970 Kuvaldina U.V.

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