The communicative characterof the truth (based on the worksby L. Wittgenstein and C.S. Peirse)

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The article dwells on the meaning of the well known postulating unity of the truth and
language based on the ideas of the two philosophers - L. Wittgenstein and C.S. Peirse. There is
a coincidence of sign and object of interpretation by Peirce and syncretism of language games
as the special forms of human activity by Wittgenstein prove the unity of correspondence
and coherence approaches to the truth. It becomes obvious in the analysis of cognition what
coherence principle takes as its base knowledge which had been used and proved as true by
correspondence in the past.

About the authors

A E Ukhov

A E Ukhov


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  13. Пирс Ч.С. Начала прагматизма. С.223.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Ukhov A.E., Ukhov A.E.

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