The effective treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis using high-tone therapy

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The work purpose is to show possibilities of complex regenerative treatment of patients with the rheumatoid arthritis, including medicamentous and not medicinal methods: An area inductothermy of adrenal glands, medical massage, physiotherapy exercises, high-tone therapy of area of joints by the technique developed by us (the positive decision on issue of the patent for the invention from 30.05.2012. Application for invention rights № 2011119311/14 (028518). The technique of high-tone therapy developed by us resulted in more expressed medical effect, than other types of pulse currents applied earlier, is well undergone by patients, doesn't cause any side effects. The comprehensive approach gives the chance to minimize aggressive action of medicines on gastroenteric tract and to prolong disease remission. This clinical supervision forces to pay closer attention to studying of possibilities of complex therapy of rheumatoid arthritis and to stimulate development of researches in this direction.

About the authors

O Yu Kut'ina

O Yu Kutjina


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Copyright (c) 1970 Kut'ina O.Y., Kutjina O.Y.

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