Prognostic valueof gene of HLA-DRB1in chronic myeloid leukemia

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In this research work we studied the HLA- DRB1 gene in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), who have been treated with Gleevec for 24 months. The study found that the markers of poor prognosis of CML, which predict failure to achieve a complete cytogenetic response after 24 months of Gleevec therapy are the specificities DRB1*14 (06); DRB1*11 (05); DRB1*12 (05). The markers of favorable prognosis of CML, which characterize the achievement of complete cytogenetic remission after 24 months of Gleevec therapy are DRB1*15 (02); DRB1*16 (02).


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Copyright (c) 2012 Ovsyannikova E.G., Ovsyannikova E.G.

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