About the significant and the realization problem of the equality before the court principlein the criminal law

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The article examines the problem of defining and realization of the principle of equality of all people before the law in criminal procedure. The principle of equality is a constitutional one. At the same time this principle is defined in the Criminal code of the Russian Federation as a principle of criminal statute. The principle of equality of all people before the law means that all people who break the law must be prosecuted irrespective of any circumstances. However, the legislator provides for immunity from prosecution, that is, special regulations of prosecution of certain individuals. Such exception in the legislation is necessary but only if it is justified and reasonable. The principle of equality is connected with other principles of criminal law, namely with the principle of justice. To be able to combine the principle of equality with that of justice is one of the purposes of justice in the law-governed state.

About the authors

Valentina Yurievna Laktaeva


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Copyright (c) 2009 Laktaeva V.Y.

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