Characteristics of liver fibrosis stages in patients with HCV-infection based on the instrumental and histological research

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The work purpose is to compare data on a stage of liver fibrosis in patients with HCV-infection, obtained as a result of the ultrasonic and histological research, to give the comparative analysis of distribution of the patients depending on a stage of liver fibrosis treated during 2005-2012. In addition to directly measured ultrasonic structure parameters liver and spleen hemodynamics with calculated indicators were obtained: the portion of the evaluated section of liver and spleen lobes, and also their ratio. It is shown that the ultrasonic research executed on the modern equipment, including a dopplerography, in most cases (70–80%) allows specifying the degree of liver fibrosis without resorting to the histological verification.

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Характеристика стадии фиброза печени у больных с НСV-инфекцией по результатам инструментального и гистологического обследования

About the authors

S Yu Vasil'ev

S Yu Vasiljev


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Copyright (c) 2013 Vasil'ev S.Y., Vasiljev S.Y.

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