The review of the cooperation of patients with bronchial asthma based on the instrument control estimation: GINA and ACQ-5

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In the article the cooperation of patients with bronchial asthma (BA) at various levels of control achievement is examined. Indicators of cooperation are estimated using the questionnaire ICBA - 50. 212 patients with bronchial asthma have been included in the research. All the patients have been divided into two groups depending on the tool of an estimation of control (GINA and ACQ-5). It has been established that the cooperation does not depend on tools of an estimation of control BA (GINA and ACQ-5), the level of its achievement and makes 62 %. The obtained data can improve the treatment BA efficiency.

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Взгляд на кооперативность больных бронхиальной астмой с позиции инструментов оценки достижения контроля: GINA и ACQ-5

About the authors

I P Evseeva

I P Evseeva


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