Some aspects of correlation of form and content as religions and philosophical intentions in the Russian medieval spirituality

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This article reviews some aspects of the Russian medieval culture as religious and philosophical intentions through the prism of the relation of form and content. The paper aims to examine the correlation between faith and ritual in the medieval Russia, as well as to show the influence of this correlation on the rise of the Russian church split, to study the reflection of the combination of faith and the forms of its perception and expression in the Russian medieval iconography, to examine the correlation of faith and its formal side in the same plane with the rise of well-known concept of «Holy Russia». The conceptual basis of this article is the understanding of the correlation between faith and ritual, internal and external, as an organic combination of form and content in the philosophy of Plato. The review of the literature used in the article allows to acknowledge the harmonic combination of the considered intentions that is characterized as «ontological eurythmy». The following methods are used by the author: descriptive, comparatively historical, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis. This article uses the works on modern researches along with the classic researchers.

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Некоторые аспекты сочетания формы и содержания как религиознофилософских интенций в русской средневековой духовности

About the authors

A I Bedayev


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