Modern peculiarities of the course and diagnostics of meningovascular neurosyphilis

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On the basis of the complex examination of 76 patients with meningovascular neurosyphilis in the conditions of neurologic department it is established that the high frequency of early mesenchymal and vascular syphilis is noted. Considerably the specific number of patients with neurosyphilis with the complicated anamnesis increased: alcoholism, drug addiction, the craniocereberal traumas, accompanying somatic diseases, asocial way of life. For early neurosyphilis affection of oculomotor group of cranial nerves, meningo-radicular, asteno-vegetative syndromes, pupillary disturbances are characterized. Considering not expressiveness and atipizm of the clinical picture of neurosyphilis, as the main criterion of diagnostics it is necessary to have a combination of change of proteinaceous and cellular structure and positive serological tests in spinal liquid. For early identification of neurosyphilis and the correct differential diagnostics of a disease it is reasonable to use head and spinal MRI, a transcranial dopplerografy both laboratory tests of blood and spinal liquid on syphilis.

About the authors

A N Oleynik


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