Experimental justification of application of transosseous osteo-locks with a combined cutting edge for osteosynthesis of mandibular fractures

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Optimum results in the fixation of fractures of the mandible using the method of external transosseous osteosynthesis were achieved by the regulation of the temperature in the area of bone preparation using the selection of optimum cutting angle, as well as the shape of the cutting edge of the spokes. The effectiveness of osteo-locks with a combined cutting edge was experimentally demonstrated on the bone blocks. The temperature at the focus of the osteotomy was 34 ± 0,7 degrees Celcium. The results of the study optimize the operation of transosseous osteosynthesis spokes in the treatment of mandibular fractures.

About the authors

S A Safarov

A E Scherbovskikh


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Copyright (c) 2013 Safarov S.A., Scherbovskikh A.E.

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