Ischemic stroke risk stratification in patients with permanent form of atrial fibrillation

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The work is devoted to the investigation of the role of hemodynamic and coagulation indicators in ischemic stroke risk stratification in patients with permanent form of atrial fibrillation. The study included 60 CHD patients with permanent form of atrial fibrillation. All patients were divided into two groups: the 1 group consisted of 30 patients of average risk of ischemic stroke, the 2 group consisted of 30 patients of high risk of ischemic stroke. The study found that indicators that are associated with risk of ischemic stroke was the level of left atrial appendage flow velocity (LAAFV), left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), SEC as well as the level of SFMC and fibrinogen. During the univariate analysis with the risk of ischemic stroke was associated the level of LAAFV (OR - 0,92), LVEF (OR - 0,9), SEC (OR - 2,5), fibrinogen (OR - 4,0) and SFMC (OR - 1,27), but during multivariate regression analysis of their significance in predicting risk of ischemic stroke retained only the level of LAAFV (OR - 0,92) and fibrinogen (OR - 4,0).

About the authors

A O Rubanenko



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Copyright (c) 2011 Rubanenko A.O.

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