Atorvastatin (liptonorm)efficiency concerning the basicmanifestations of a metabolicsyndrome in patientswith osteoarthritis

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In research are included 68 patients with osteoarthritis and metabolic syndrome. Control group have made 33 patients receiving pathogenetic treatment of the osteoarthritis. In the basic group have been included 35 patients receiving against pathogenetic treatment of osteoarthritits atorvaststin (liptonorm), in a dosage of 10 mg/days In both groups traced biochemical, anthopometrical indicators, values of a BP, expressiveness of a painful syndrome on a scale VAS in rest and at movement, and also indexes Lequesne and WOMAC. Among the patients receiving atorvaststin (liptonorm), authentic weight reduction, circles of a waist and the hips, favorable influence on lipid spectrum of blood, stabilisation of values of a BP has been noted. In the basic group of patients expressiveness of a painful syndrome has appeared authentically more low both in rest, and at movement, thus Lequesne and WOMAC also had authentically lower values, in relation to control group of patients.

About the authors

D I Lahin



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