The comparativeestimation of quality of the life of thepatients after variants of surgicaltreatment of perforativegastroduodenal ulcers

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The analysis of quality of life of 175 patients, which were executed different versions of operations on the occasion of perforative gastroduodenal ulcers (after simple suture of perforative ulcer at 27 (15,42%), excision of ulcer with suture at 52 - 29,71%, after excision of perforative ulcer with suture a defect and cover of suture line by the serosa-muscular patch of stomach at 91 - 52%, excision of perforative ulcer with substitution of defect by the layerful patch of stomach at 5 - 2,86% patients. The group of comparison is compiled 293 patients, which had a medical examination for placing in a job. The best indices quality of life, which approach to indices of group of comparison, observed after excision of perforated ulcer with suture a defect and cover of suture line by the serosa-muscular patch of stomach, worse - after simple suture of perforative ulcer.

About the authors

N Yu Shaposhnikov



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