Clinico-immunologic aspects of the vaccinal prevention of bacterial and virus infections in the patients with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (the literature review)

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The article is devoted the analysis of the available domestic and foreign scientific literature on a problem of vaccinal prevention of bacterial and virus infections at patients with chronic obstructive lung disease. In work the general characteristic and medico-social aspects of chronic obstructive lung disease, risk factors and immunopathogenesis features of disease are resulted. Also microbiological aspects of chronic obstructive lung disease, connected with vaccinal prevention of bacterial and virus infections are reflected. The data available in the literature on use of vaccines against S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and a flu at patients with chronic obstructive lung disease and their influence on a clinical current of the disease, certain indicators of immunity and qualities of a life at the given category of patients is cited.

About the authors

A D Protasov



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