The clinico-hemodynamicassessment of Enalaprileand telmisartan efficiencyin the correlation of diastoledysfunction of the leftventricle in the patientswith ischemic heart disease

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The influence of Enalaprile and Telmisartan on the hemodynamic data, diastole function
of the left ventricle in patients with ischemic heart disease and arterial hypertension is
investigated. Reliable differences during the treatment between the patients group with
diastole dysfunction of the left ventricle according to anomalous relaxation type are
explained by us as the improvement of the relaxation and the condition of the left ventricle
filling during early and late diastole. The obtained data let us substantiate the using of
Telmisartan during the treatment of the patients with ischemic heart disease and the diastole
dysfunction where systolic function of the left ventricle is present and it is connected with
the protection of the target-organs, the heart particularly, from the developed pathological

About the authors

S A Sekerko



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