Psychological status and course dynamics of functional dyspepsia in schoolchildren according to prospective data

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In article the data about psychological features of children of school age with a functional dyspepsia is cited. High prevalence of uneasiness and internal intensity is shown. Influence family and social factors on formation FD, in particular adverse conditions of residing, low material security and, especially, disharmonious family relations (90,1 % of cases) is taped. As results of the spent symptomatic and complex therapy including psychological correction were estimated. At the schoolboys receiving complex treatment in 2 times is more often full cupping of symptoms of disease became perceptible and in 2 times resistance to spent therapy was less often registered, positive dynamics of psychological changes became perceptible. At children by whom symptomatic therapy was spent, internal intensity, uneasiness, isolation during research accrued.

About the authors

I A Pakhomova



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