Some peculiaritiesof the course and pregnancytermination in women with differentforms of arterial pressure

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Cohort study with mixed cohort (retrospective and prospective). The aim of this research was to study the peculiarities of pregnancy course and pregnancy results in women with different forms of hypertension. Women with hypertension more often had overweight and compromised heredity upon hypertension. Obstetric-gynecologic history in the women with hypertension was characterized by more frequency of preterm delivery and gestosis during the previous pregnancy terminations. The course of present pregnancy was characterized by more frequency of early gestosis and chronic placental insufficiency in the women with different forms of hypertension (especially with gestosis and combined gestosis) and pregnancy was often finished premature delivery in comparison with women without hypertension.

About the authors

V S Chulkov



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Copyright (c) 1970 Chulkov V.S.

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