Restorative surgery of auricle:history and perspectives

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Auricles are the one of the most important anatomic formations of maxillofacial
region. Therefore, their defect or full absence promote the development of an inferiority
complex in the patient, and influences his or her social life negatively. Till now the most
known multisteps method of ear reconstruction with use autogenous rib cartilage wich was
known in 60-70 years. For patients with total and subtotal defects of auricles, as a framework,
we use individually simulated silicone implant which allows us to reproduce as much as
possible precisely parameters of an auricle, its relief and the corner of assignment which
is the necessary condition for creation post auricle fold. As a covering for implant we use
temporoparietal fascial flap which is a high-grade plastic and biological covering and also
a favorable basis for engraftment of splintered autograft skin transplantat. The using of an
auricle silicone implant as a framework, is necessary because of its elasticity, durability,
inertness and biocompatibility. Thats why we keep received result, and allows the patient to
sleep on the generated auricle, not affecting its blood supply.

About the authors

Tamara Zurabovna Chkadua



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