The significance of non-drug therapies in correction of main ultrasound parameters of liquorodynamics in children with cerebral ischemia

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To increase the effectiveness of standard treatment of cerebral ischemia (CI) in children in the neonatal period, the total magnetic therapy and hyperbaric oxygenation were included. The authors' developed methods were confirmed by the RF patents. The dynamics of the main ultrasound parameters reflecting the state of the ventricular system, the structure of brain tissue and its microcirculation was analyzed. The use of non-drug therapies in treatment of cerebral ischemia contributed to the rapid regression of the size of the ventricles of the brain, restoring their shape, reducing the total index of hyperechogenicity.

About the authors

O I Denisova

O I Denisova


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Copyright (c) 1970 Denisova O.I., Denisova O.I.

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