Surgical treatmentexperience of hemorrhage inlateral ventricles at acraniocereberal trauma in patientswith hypertension syndrome

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In the article questions of surgical treatment of hemorrhage in lateral ventricles are considered at a craniocereberal trauma in patients with hypertension syndrome. By the directed transport of medicines with the help of auto-erythrocytes. The advantages of the given method over others in 30 patients are considered. The treatment and supervision of the patients with hemorrhage in lateral ventricles of brain with hypertension syndrome, by the directed transport of medicines are described in detail.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Tsymbalyuk V.V., Krivoshchekov E.P., Naumova V.V., Tsymbalyuk V.V., Krivoshchekov E.P., Naumov V.V.

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