Parameters of glycemic control and adherence to treatment in type 2 diabetes mellitus insulin-taking patients

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Aim of the research. To study the parameters of glycemic control, injection technique and adherence to treatment in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) receiving insulin therapy. Material and methods. 177 patients with DM2 receiving insulin therapy were examined. Participants in the study were divided into 3 groups: a basic-bolus scheme of insulin therapy, basal insulin therapy, and therapy with mix insulins. The parameters of glycemic control, daily doses of insulin were analyzed depending on the mode of insulin therapy. Statistical data were processed in the Statistica program. Results. Basal-bolus regime of insulin administration was used in 52% of patients, basal insulin therapy - in 21.5%, therapy with mix insulins - in 26.5%. Only 39% of study-involved participants achieved the target value of glycated hemoglobin <7.0%. Participants in the group of basal-bolus insulin therapy received a daily dose of insulin 3 times bigger (69.71 units) comparatively to participants in the basal insulin therapy group (24.89 units) (p = 0.0001). The use of a baseline bolus insulin regime did not improve control of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus - therefore there were fixed no significant differences between groups in the mean level of glycated hemoglobin, fasting glycaemia and postprandial. Only 2.8% of participants in the study used the correct insulin injection technique.

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About the authors

Anna R. Volkova

FSBEI of Higher Education «Acad. I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university» clinic of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

MD, professor of the Department of intermediate level therapy with the course of endocrinology, cardiology and functional diagnostics

Valentina V. Kalugina

Budgetary Institution of Health Care «Cherepovetz municiipal hospital № 2»

head of the Cherepovetz center of diabetology

Elena N. Ostroukhova

FSBEI of Higher Education «Acad. I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university» clinic of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

PhD, associate professor of the Department of intermediate level therapy with the course of endocrinology, cardiology and functional diagnostics

Olga D. Dygun

FSBEI of Higher Education «Acad. I.P. Pavlov First Saint Petersburg state medical university» clinic of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

assistant professor of the Department of intermediate level therapy with the course of endocrinology, cardiology and functional diagnostics


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