Diagnosis and rational therapy of painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (Interdisciplinary consensus of experts based on results the expert meeting on January 23, 2013, Moscow)

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Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат ақылы немесе тек жазылушылар үшін


EXPERT GROUP FOR PREPARATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS: chairpersons of expert group: academician of RAS Melnichenko G.A., academician of RAS Yachno N.N., academician of RAS Martynov A.I. responsible executors: professor G.R. Galstyan, professor E.G. Starostina, professor I.V. Gurjeva, MD A.Ju. Tokmakova, PhD M.V. Churjukanov. Members of the expert group: G.A. Melnichenko - deputy director of «Endocrinology scientific center» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution, director of the Institute of clinical endocrinology, chairman of Moscow association of endocrinologists, vice president of Russian association of endocrinologists, academician of RAS, professor, M.D.; M.V. Shestakova - deputy director for scientific work of «Endocrinology scientific center» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution, director of Institute of diabetes,academician of RAS, professor, MD; N.N. Yachno - professor of the Department of nervous diseases of general medicine faculty, director of scientific-educational clinical center of neurology of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, president of Russian pain studies society, academician of RAS, professor, MD; A.I. Martynov - professor of the Department of hospital therapy № 1 of general medicine faculty of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow state university of medicine and dentistry, president of Russian scientific medical society of therapists, academician of RAS, professor, MD; G.R. Galstyan - head of the Department of diabetic foot, chief research worker of «Endocrinology scientific center» Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution, professor, MD; E.G. Starostina - professor of the Department of endocrinology of M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Scientific-Research Clinical Institute, professor, MD; II.V. Gurjeva - professor of the Department of endocrinology of general medicine faculty of of Additional post-graduate training state budgetary institution of Russian medical academy of continious professional education, head of medical social expertise and rehabilitation sector in case of endocrinous diseases of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution Federal buro of medical social expertise of Ministry of Labour of Russia, professor, MD; M.L. Kukushkin - head of the laboratory of fundamental and applied pain problems of research institute of general pathology and pathophysiology of RAS, executive secretary of Russian society for pain studies, professor, MD; M.V. Chjurjukanov - associate professor of the Department of nervous diseases of general medicine faculty of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, PhD; I.A. Strokov - associate professor of the Department of nervous diseases of general medicine faculty of ГМ. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, PhD; AJu. Tokmakova - chief research worker of diabetic foot Department of «Endocrinological scientific center» Federal state budgetary educational institution, MD.

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