Drug-induced hyperuricemia/gout. Part 1: prevalence, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical pattern


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Intake of medication, mostly diuretics, anti-tuberculosis drugs, salicylates, immunosuppressants, anticancer drugs, etc. could be an often-occured etiological cause of hyperuricemia (HU) and gout pathology arising. In this case, it is meant the drug-induced HU/ gout, which are representing an urgent problem in clinical practice. Article considers the groups of medicines able to induce this pathology, the mechanisms of uric acid (UA) increasing in the blood serum during drug intake, risk factors, and clinical manifestations of drug-induced HU/gout. Taking into account, that this form of the disease, like HU/gout caused by other causes, can be asymptomatic for a long time, it is recommended that people with risk factors for of GU/gout development should periodically determine the UA level in the blood serum. The main aims of treatment of the studied pathology are: reducing UA level (<360 pmol/L and <300 pmol/L in patients with severe tofus gout, but not less than 180 pmol/L), achieving regression of symptoms, including relief of acute or chronic arthritis, further prevention of arthritis' attacks, as well as prevention of the formation and dissolution of existing crystals of sodium monourate. Asymptomatic drug-induced HU usually does not require medical correction. The decision to stop the inducer drug intake should be made after careful assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

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Sobre autores

A. Pereverzev

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Email: terapia_polimorbid@rmapo.ru
125993, Moscow, 2/1 Barrikadnaya Str

O. Ostroumova

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia;I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University)

125284, Moscow, 12/13 Polikarpova Str


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