Sulfonylurea derivatives in the light of evidence-based medicine and algorithms of diabetes mellitus type 2



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The analyzed data from the large randomized placebo-controled clinical trials, conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of sulfoniluria in type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment, are observed in the review. Russian and foreign algorithms for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are considered as well. The conclusion is that, among with innovative classes of glucose-lowering drugs, drugs from sulfonylureas group remain a strong position in the combination therapy stages, primarily due to the synergistic effect in combination with metformin. It is noted that unlike many other drugs from sulfonylureas group glimepiride is characterized by high compliance, which certainly contributes to the effectiveness of glucose-lowering therapy. In combination with metformin, glimepiride is one of the most effective and well-tolerated sulfonilurea, allowing to obtain an adequate glycemic control in patients who have not reached the treatment target on monotherapy.




Tatiana Demidova

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

MD, professor, professor of the Department of endocrinology


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