Chronic back pain: potentials for the treatment and prevention



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The article presents data on the causes of chronization of back pain and the possibilities of its prevention. Along with a more rapid pain relief in the acute period, rational psychotherapy, measures aimed at correcting kinesiophobia and maladaptive pain behavior, prospects for the application of chondroprotectors to prevent chronic back pain are discussed. The data of 2-year follow-up of patients who after participating in a study of the effectiveness of Alflutop continued to regularly use the chondroprotector or stopped its use are presented. It is shown that regular use of Alflutop 2 times a year and more frequently led to significantly lower number of exacerbations, than in the absence of use of chondroprotectors.




Oleg Levin

Russian medical academy of postgraduate education

MD, professor, head of the Department of neurology


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