About fundamental and clinical aspects of magnesium and ribolavine synergic action in therapeutic practice



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Article consequentially reflects the themes concerning the basis of magnesium and riboflavine pharmacology, prevalence of magnesium and riboflavine deficiencies, perspectives of combined magnesium-and riboflavine-based medicaments use for cardiovascular therapy, diseases with antiinflammatory component, metabolic disorders and migraine.




Olga Gromova

Federal research center «Informatics and management» of RAS; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Ivanovo State Medical Academy» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation

Email: unesco.gromova@gmail.com
MD, professor, leading scientific worker, head of the pharmacoinformatics laboratory of “Informatics and management"; рrofessor of the Department of Pharmacology

Ivan Torshin

Federal research center «Informatics and management» of RAS

Email: tyu@yahoo.com
cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, senior scientific worker of “Informatics and management"

Zhanna Kobalava

Peoples' friendship university of Russia

MD, professor, head of the general medicine Department with cardiology and functional diagnostics course, head of the department of general medicine, cardiology and clinical pharmacology of the medical staff advanced training faculty

Maria Sorokina

Lomonosov Moscow state university

Email: info@fbm.msu.ru
medical resident of the general medicine Department of fundamental medicine faculty


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