Possibilities of the analgesic action of botulinum therapy in clinical practice

  • 作者: Orlova O.R.1,2, Alekseeva A.Y.1,2, Konovalova Z.N.2, Kostenko E.V.3,4, Krasavina D.A.5,6, Mingazova L.R.7, Soykher M.I.7,8
  • 隶属关系:
    1. «I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University» FSAEI of the of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University)
    2. Central Institute of botulinum therapy and actual neurology
    3. N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University FSAEI HE of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
    4. «Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for medical rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine» Autonomous Public Health Care Institution of the Moscow Healthcare Department
    5. FSBEI of Higher Education «St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia
    6. FSBI FVE at the «St. Petersburg Institute for the Advanced Training of Expert Doctors» of the Ministry of Labor of Russia
    7. Center for interdisciplinary dentistry and neurology
    8. «Moscow Regional Dental Clinic» Autonomous Public Health Care Institution
  • 期: 编号 7-8 (2018)
  • 页面: 52-56
  • 栏目: Articles
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/2412-4036/article/view/288152
  • ID: 288152



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The article deals with the problem of pain syndromes in various neurological disorders: cervical dystonia, chronic migraine, myofascial pain syndrome, bruxism. It contains the data of clinical studies, as well as systematic reviews, justifying the effectiveness and safety of botulinum therapy for these diseases and conditions. Data on the antinociceptive action of type A botulinum neuroprotein are introduced, and new areas of its clinical application are indicated.




Olga Orlova

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University» FSAEI of the of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University); Central Institute of botulinum therapy and actual neurology

Email: ororlova@yandex.ru
MD, professor of the Department of nervous diseases of the Institute of Professional Education; President of the Interregional Public Organization of botulinum therapy specialists (MOOSBT), head

Anna Alekseeva

«I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University» FSAEI of the of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University); Central Institute of botulinum therapy and actual neurology

6th year student of the Faculty of General Medicine

Zagidat Konovalova

Central Institute of botulinum therapy and actual neurology

PhD, a member of the MOOSBT.

Elena Kostenko

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University FSAEI HE of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; «Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for medical rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine» Autonomous Public Health Care Institution of the Moscow Healthcare Department

MD, associate professor of the Department of public Health and Healthcare, Healthcare Economics of Pediatric Faculty; head of a branch

Diana Krasavina

FSBEI of Higher Education «St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia; FSBI FVE at the «St. Petersburg Institute for the Advanced Training of Expert Doctors» of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

MD, professor of the Department of surgical diseases of pediatric age; head of the Department of traumatology and orthopedics, medical and social assessment, prosthetics and rehabilitation

Leniza Mingazova

Center for interdisciplinary dentistry and neurology

PhD, a member of the MOOSBT

Marina Soykher

Center for interdisciplinary dentistry and neurology; «Moscow Regional Dental Clinic» Autonomous Public Health Care Institution

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, Chief Doctor of «Moscow Regional Dental Clinic» State Autonomous Healthcare Institution


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