Modern strategy of anti-ischemic therapy for patients with chronic coronary syndromes



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The article is devoted to a review of foreign and domestic studies, which studied the therapy of chronic ischemic syndromes and cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), taking into account the metabolism of cardiomyocytes. The modern view of myocardial ischemia pathogenesis from the standpoint of intracellular energy metabolism concept significantly expands the therapeutic approaches to solving this problem in clinical practice. In light of this, the use of trimetazidine (fatty acids beta-oxidation selective inhibitor) in the anti-ischemic therapy of chronic coronary syndromes is an important and justified component of complex treatment. This is confirmed by the results of numerous clinical studies in which the effectiveness of the use of trimetazidine was established in order to improve intracellular energy metabolism, reduce the severity and duration of ischemia periods.




N. Lyamina

Moscow Center for Research and Practice in Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine of Moscow Healthcare Department

Moscow, 53 Zemlyanoy val Str


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