Preoperative anemia: impact on surgical outcomes and treatment options



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Preoperative anemia is an independent factor influencing the development of adverse outcomes in patients in the postoperative period. A decrease in hemoglobin level by 10 g/l increases the perioperative risk by 40%. However, despite the proven facts of the negative effects of anemia, the decrease in hemoglobin, which does not require blood transfusions, is still ignored. Currently, the algorithm of actions and routing of patients in the detection of anemia before planned surgical intervention is not clearly defined. Various medical communities propose to develop local protocols, depending on the surgical interventions carried out in a particular medical organization, as well as the timing and possibility of postponing the operation. The results of several studies confirm that the optimal hemoglobin level is 130 g/l in both men and women. Depending on the type of preoperative anemia, various therapeutic options can be used.




Elena Laryushkina

M.P. Konchalovsky City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Healthcare Department

clinical pharmacologist

Mikhail Vasilchenko

M.P. Konchalovsky City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Healthcare Department

Dr. med. habil., deputy chief physician for surgical care

Marina Zhuravleva

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenovsky University)

Dr. med. habil., professor of the Department of clinical pharmacology and internal diseases

Tatiana Kameneva

M.P. Konchalovsky City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Healthcare Department

PhD in Medicine, associate professor, clinical pharmacologist

Natalia Khovasova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

PhD in Medicine, associate professor of the Department of aging-associated diseases of the Faculty of additional professional education

Andrey Teterin

M.P. Konchalovsky City Clinical Hospital of the Moscow Healthcare Department

head of the Department of purulent surgery


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