Relationship of depressive and eating disorders, quality of life in women with complicated type 2 diabetes mellitus




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Underestimation of depressive and eating disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2 DM) can affect the compensation of carbohydrate metabolism, the occurrence of complications, and affect the patient’s subjective sense of health.

The aim: to analyze the relationship between eating disorders, depressive disorders, and quality of life in women with complicated T2 DM.

Material and methods. 382 women with T2 DM and microvascular complications were studied. The control group consisted of patients without diabetes (n=121). A clinical examination of the selected contingent was carried out. The work used DEBQ and MOS SF-36 questionnaires and V. Tsung’s technique.

Results. At the time of the study, 21,9% of patients with T2 DM suffered from depression. The rate of depressive disorders in patients with diabetes was significantly higher than in the control group. Depressive disorders in women with T2 DM increased with age (r=+0,9, p=0,0001). A relationship was found between the degree of depressive disorders and BMI (r=+0.5; p=0.02), waist circumference (r=+0,89; p=0,0001). The presence of a negative correlation of depressive disorders with indicators of carbohydrate metabolism and external type of eating behavior has been established. Disorders in the emotional sphere significantly reduced the scores of the main characteristics of quality of life.

Conclusion. Depressive disorders in women with T2 DM were registered more often than in the control group and correlated with age, metabolic disorders, and subjective feelings of health. The results obtained significantly actualize the problem of controllability of depressive disorders and eating behavior in patients with T2 DM, the solution of which is impossible without an interdisciplinary approach.




Tatyana Demicheva

Academician E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5422-8700
SPIN 代码: 3743-3914

PhD in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Endocrinology and Clinical Pharmacology

俄罗斯联邦, Perm


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