Ensuring the effective development of a meat processing company based on the economic activity automation

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One of the key aspects of the sustainable development of the whole humanity is the stable economic growth of the food sector, in particular, the meat processing segment. At the moment, extensive forms of industrial production have exhausted their potential; the main vector of current development is focused on extensive methods and approaches. One of the key tools of the latter is the informatization and automation of production and business activity. The key aspect is the creation of a highly integrated system of automation and informatization of all spheres of organization and management within the company. The main goal is to maximize the efficiency of the processes of provision, transportation, evaluation, control, and monitoring of all cycles and stages of the production process that would comply with the principles of environmental safety, sustainable economic growth and development, as well as a high level of corporate development (social aspect).All this contributes to the reduction of all types of costs: production, commercial, and managerial ones. Respectively, this has a positive effect on the selling price of finished products (it is more competitive in the consumer market), which ensures the strengthening of competitive advantages and the growth of market share. The article analyzes the current state and dynamics of the development of the domestic industry segment. The article proves the prospects and practical significance of the development and implementation of advanced achievements in the field of automation and digitalization in the meat processing sector of the agro-industrial complex. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of software systems for optimizing the recipes of finished products is carried out. Recommendations for the implementation of the latter at LLC MPK Saguny are given.

About the authors

Irina Petrovna Bogomolova

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Email: uopioe@yandex.ru

Irina Nikolaevna Vasilenko

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Email: irina_nw@bk.ru

Irina Evgenevna Ustyugova

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Email: ystugova@yandex.ru

Gennadiy Nikolaevich Strukov

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Email: uopioe@yandex.ru

Dmitriy Olegovich Prigorodov

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

Email: prigorodovdmit@yandex.ru


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2023 Bogomolova I.P., Vasilenko I.N., Ustyugova I.E., Strukov G.N., Prigorodov D.O.

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