Specifics of the ecoproduction market in the world



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This article analyzes the state of the modern market of ecoproducts in the world and compares various indicators of popularity and consumption of ecoproducts in the most developed countries in this direction. The aurthors also examine the laws of the Russian Federation aimed at helping farmers and trends in the development of the green economy. Nowadays, the issue of ecology is particularly acute. Ecology has become a trend of recent decades, which has included not only the production of food and cosmetics, but also a careful attitude to resources and a conscious approach to solving the garbage problem and many other aspects. The production of biological products is a new direction in agriculture, which appeared due to the popularity of caring for the environment. The article will be useful to those who are interested in the section of the green economy, those who are going to engage in the production of ecoproducts abroad or in Russia, as well as those who promote an ecological approach in life.

Sobre autores

Tatiana Drozdova

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Autor responsável pela correspondência
Email: tanusha.drozd@mail.ru

Kseniya Luft

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Email: Lufy00@bk.ru

Elena Borkova

Saint Petersburg State University of Economics

Email: e.borkova@mail.ru


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Drozdova T.K., Luft K.S., Borkova E.A., 2023

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