Substantiation of the need to develop a concept of technological development of the Russian agro-food complex amidst global challenges



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Amidst geopolitical instability, the achievement of technological sovereignty and the integration of new knowledge-intensive technology into all stages of agricultural production will solve not only the problem of strengthening the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products in the global food market, but also overcoming the inertia of sectoral innovative development in the conditions of compression of cross-border investment flows. The article presents an analysis of institutional, financial and infrastructural measures of state support that contribute to the elimination of technological import dependence of the Russian agro-food companies. It is proved that there are possibilities of technical and technological modernization of the fixed assets of the agro-food companies to ensure the technological sovereignty of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of a reduction in the share of imported products in the agricultural machinery market and lack of access to ready-made foreign solutions and breakthrough technology. The necessity of developing a concept of technological development of the Russian agro-food complex for a long-term period is substantiated; and the main stages of its implementation are highlighted. The author took into account the specifics of the current situation in the industry and the prospects for growth of the domestic segment of the agrotechnology market.

Sobre autores

Maksim Osovin

The Institute of Agrarian Problems is a separate structural subdivision of the Federal Research Center «Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»



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