Brown Marmorated Stink Bug HALYOMORPHA HALYS (STÅL, 1855) (HEMIPTERA: PENTATOMIDAE) In The South Of Russia: Expansion Continues

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In September 2023, during phytopathological surveys in Mariupol, Donetsk and Berdyansk, foci of quarantine pest the brown marmorated stink bug Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) were registered for the first time. Despite long-term monitoring research, which we began in 2017 and covering both natural and anthropogenically transformed ecosystems of the region, the pest was found exceptionally in urban plantings, which indicates the leading role of unintentional introduction in its spread. The high density of populations suggests that the species entered the region 2–3 years ago. Detection of naturalized populations of the pest in Donetsk People’s Republic and Zaporozhye region indicates the completion of the process of H. halys expansion in Azov-Black Sea region and the continuing outspread of its range in the northern direction. Findings of older instar larvae and young uncolored imagoes in the second decade of September confirm the development of at least two generations of the bug during the vegetation period in the Northern Azov region. The largest aggregations of larvae and imagoes were registered in urban plantings of Mariupol on southern catalpa Catalpa bignonioides Walter. The appearance and naturalization in the region of a new polyphytophagous pest, capable of feeding on more than 300 plant species from 75 families, requires organizing monitoring of the state of its population and a detailed study of biology in order to develop effective methods of its control. An important area of work at the current stage of pest invasion is conducting an information campaign among agricultural producers.

About the authors

V. V Martynov

Donetsk Botanical Garden

Donetsk, Russian Federation

T. V Nikulina

Donetsk Botanical Garden

Donetsk, Russian Federation

A. I Gubin

Donetsk Botanical Garden

Donetsk, Russian Federation


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