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A mathematical model comprising a model of the hydrodynamics of the Sea of Azov and a model of water movement in the main branches of the Don delta. The proposed approach makes it possible to determine the hydrodynamic characteristics of the channel flow in the main branches of the Don delta, depending on the wind situation in the Sea of Azov and the Taganrog Bay, using the calculated values of the water level in the receiving reservoir. This is especially valuable for a seamless analysis of the general hydrodynamics in the mouth area of the Don, which may be useful in the future for assessing the transport of total suspended matter, microplastics, salt water intrusions, and the study of other types of pollution. Comparison of the observed and calculated values of water levels in the study area demonstrates the satisfactory quality of the results obtained, which indicates sufficient adequacy of the presented model, however, the calculated values are generally somewhat overestimated compared to the observed data. Additional adjustment of the calculated values is possible with the help of correction factors. The proposed method can also be applied to other water bodies in the joint calculation of currents in the mouth channels and wind currents in the receiving water body.

About the authors

A. L Chikin

Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

A. V Kleshchenkov

Federal Research Centre the Southern Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

L. G Chikina

Southern Federal University

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

A. M Korshun

North Caucasus Branch of Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation


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