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On an empirical basis, equations for the relationship between the quantitative indicators of the growth of heterotrophic bacterioplankton (abundance, biomass and production) and phytoplankton (production and content of chlorophyll a in water) have been developed. For this purpose, materials collected in different years for aquatic ecosystems with different levels of productivity, located in different regions were involved. The water bodies studied with the author participation differ in water salinity (from 0.02 to 120 g/l), color (from 5 to 300°), active reaction (from 5.2 to >9.2), and water transparency (from 0.5 to 7.5 m). The chlorophyll a concentration (Chl) and the total number of bacteria (Nbcp) varied widely (from 0.15 to 250 μg/l and from 0.35 to 25 million cells/ml) on the spatiotemporal scale ‒ during the growing season, from year to year, from lake to lake within the same region and from region to region. Statistical analysis of the dependence of Nbcp on Chl (R2 = 0.49, n = 184) showed that about 50% of the Nbcp variability is explained by the change in phytoplankton biomass, measured in the form of Chl. According to the International Biological Program and other sources, there is a strong correlation between the abundance and biomass of bacterioplankton (Bbcp), expressed in wet matter units (R2 = 0.87, n = 102). The higher a water body productivity, the fewer bacterial cells and their mass per unit mass of chlorophyll. An analysis of the relationship between Bbcp and bacterioplankton production (Pbcp) shows that the higher the Bbcp, the greater the Pbcp/Bbcp ratio. Based on the results of the parallel use of radiocarbon (14C) in the form of carbon dioxide and a low molecular organic substrate (glucose, acetate, or vegetable protein hydrolyzate) with subsequent separation of plankton into size fractions, the dependence of bacterioplankton production on extracellular production by phytoplankton was described. Experimental studies from various sources show that ~20% of phytoplankton production is directly included in the bacteria production. Given that the growth efficiency of bacterioplankton is ~0.4, another ~20% of phytoplankton production is spent during bacterial respiration.


V. Boulion

Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

St Petersburg, Russian Federation


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